Integrative Therapeutic Massage Services

Holistic wellness is at the core of Integrative Therapeutic Massage services. Because healing is multidimensional, we aim to provide an integrative healing experience.

Neuromuscular Massage Therapy (NMT) is at the center of our therapeutic massage offerings, but sessions may also incorporate Myofascial Release, a slow stretching or tractioning of the body's connective tissue known as fascia, Precision Muscular Mobilization, a specific and highly effective method of stretching, as well as Precision Neural Mobilization, a gentle and very specific approach to identifying and working with neural entrapments and compressions in the body.

Depending on your needs and session goals, massage therapy sessions may also integrate elements of stabilization bodywork, the relaxing touch of Swedish massage, and the energy healing of Reiki.

Integrative Therapeutic Massage offers the following services. View current rates.

Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

Sports  Massage

Reiki Relaxation Massage

Intuitive Reiki Session

Schedule An Appointment Here Or Call 773-230-4742

If requesting a same day appointment under a 3-hour window, please call for availability.

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