Mary's Blog

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Injury Self-Care
Our mobile devices are a pain in the neck - literally! Millions of Americans are suffering from what has been coined "text neck" or "iPosture." Symptoms include headaches, back pain, and achy shoulders.
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ITM specializes in Precision Neuromuscular Therapy (PNMT) for the relief of soft tissue pain problems. One hallmark of an NMT session is the treatment and release of trigger points – those knots and hyperirritable spots in muscles that give us so much dis
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Categories: Injury Self-Care
It's easy to pull a muscle or sprain a joint, whether from a sports injury, an accident such as a fall, or from simply overdoing everyday activities like gardening or shoveling snow.
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When your body's hurting it feels comforting to put a hot water bottle or a heating pad on the sore areas. But it may not always be a great idea.
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